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Support for Water Customers During COVID-19

At Yü Energy we want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to keep our business energy and water services running for our customers, whilst following the latest advice and recommendations and maintaining the safety and wellbeing of our team.

We understand this is a difficult time for most businesses, so we want to let you know the help and support available for businesses affected by Covid-19 related to their water supply. We are working with our customers on an individual basis to resolve any concerns you may have.

Our teams are available 8:30-5:30pm Monday to Friday, so if you need to speak to us please call on 0115 975 8258 or email


Meter Readings

With social distancing and restrictions on movements, it may be difficult for our meter readers to access and take meter readings for your water supply. In this instance, where water meters are not read, we will base this on historic consumption.

If you can access your meter and it’s safe to do so, then please send us your meter reading online so we can bill based on your actual consumption.

Businesses that remain closed

If your business is in England and has been closed due to government instructions, we can ensure you don’t incur certain charges while your premises is closed. Please ensure that you have made us aware that you are closed by contacting

We’ll mark your premises as temporarily vacant and put your account on hold. Your water charges will stop for now, unless water is used on your business premises. You can only let us know that your business is temporarily closed, and we can only put your account on hold up to 31 July 2020.

Your business being closed means that there is no activity taking place at your business premises, there are no employees there and no water is being used. If future meter reads show water was used during the time you declared your business premises closed, you may be charged and have to pay some or all of the costs for the water and wastewater. You may still incur some fixed charges if they apply under your relevant wholesalers’ scheme of charges.

In some circumstances we may need proof that your business has closed. If we do, we’ll contact you with what we need. If you don’t send us this information your business won’t be marked as closed and water charges will continue as normal.

Being able to register your business as being closed is a temporary measure that’s been authorised by Ofwat (the water industry regulator). 16 March 2020 is the earliest date you can register your business as closed. The last date you can tell us about a temporary closure is 31 July 2020. If business activity restarts at your premises before this date you must let us know.

If possible, before closure please provide us with a meter reading and ensure we have your up to date contact details.

If your water supply is metered then your supply will remain in place and you will be billed for any water used during this period (for example small amounts for cleaning etc.), however, we won’t need to bill you any standing charges during this time.

If your supply is unmetered then your supply will remain in place and you will not be billed any charges during this time.

Please let us know as soon as you are ready to reopen.

Businesses that are reopening from closure post Covid-19

If you are reopening your business following Covid-19 restrictions, please contact to let us know so we can resume your normal billing cycle.

If your supply is metered then you will be billed for any water used during your closed period, however, we won’t need to bill you any standing charges during this time. From the date your premises reopens, all your normal charges will resume.

If your supply is unmetered then your supply will remain in place and you will not be billed any charges during the closed period. From the date your premises reopens, all your normal charges will resume.

If you’re planning to reopen your business, we have some water health and safety tips you might want to consider to help you.

Financial Support for Water Customers in England

The temporary protections for customers in financial difficulty set out in the English Customer Protection Code of Practice (CPCOP) were changed on 1st June 2020.

If your premises has been marked as ‘vacant’ by Yü Energy, then you will be protected from any enforcement action. This means we will:

  • Stop all late payment fees or interest charges – so there is no need to worry if you have issues paying.
  • Pause all enforcement action for non-payment of bills – we won’t pass any accounts to our debt collection agency or charge any fees for this.
  • Stop all disconnections for customers who haven’t paid their bills.

If you are a multi-site business, then all premises must be vacant for you to be protected.

Covid-19 Water Repayment Scheme

For any water customers facing payment difficulties during Covid-19, we understand this is a difficult time which is why we’re offering a Covid-19 Water Repayment Scheme. This will allow you to spread your business water payments on a plan tailored to your circumstances.

You are eligible for our Covid-19 Repayment Scheme if:

  • You are having difficulties paying for your water as a consequence of the effects of Covid-19;
  • Your premises have been temporarily closed during the lockdown;
  • Your business has used much less water as a direct result of Covid-19 or government restrictions;
  • You have already attempted to access government support. If you haven’t already, we recommend you explore the government support schemes available to businesses at this time.

Please call us on 0115 975 8258 or email if you think you are eligible for this scheme.

Eligible customers can apply for this Scheme up until 31 March 2021.You can view the terms and conditions for our Covid-19 Water Repayment Scheme here.

We may ask you to provide evidence including meter readings showing a reduction in consumption, or financial statements showing reduction in cash flow during this period.

If you are able, you should continue to pay your water charges on time, as it is important that there is sufficient funding to pay for the provision of a safe and clean water supply.

What happens if I don’t make the scheme payments?

If you are accepted onto our Covid-19 Repayment Scheme, you must make the payments we have agreed to. If you have any problems making payments, please contact us as soon as possible.

If you don’t make the payments and don’t contact us to agree an alternative, then you will no longer be an eligible customer and we may charge you late payment fees and/or begin other enforcement activity.

What if my business isn’t eligible for the Covid-19 Water Repayment Scheme?

Businesses that haven’t been affected by Covid-19 or government restrictions and can make payments should continue to do so. Your billing and payment terms and conditions will carry on as normal and we reserve the right to carry out enforcement action as explained in our terms and conditions.


If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our team, please contact us on 0115 975 8258 or email

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