Yü Energy Fuel mix disclosure and energy sources statement 2021-2022
The table below details our fuel mix for electricity supplied by Yü Energy for the 12 months ending 31st March 2022.
Yü Energy Fuel Mix Disclosure 2021/22
For more information on the environmental impact of your electricity supply, please contact us or call 0115 975 8258.
Our Energy Sources
We secure 100% renewable electricity for our Green products. These were supplied exclusively from wind generation in the April 21 to March 22 disclosure period. When we purchase this energy we receive a certificate called a Renewable Guarantee of Origin (REGO) as evidence that the energy produced is 100% renewable. Our standard products are sourced using the residual energy mix on the UK electricity grid.
For more information on fuel mix disclosures and Guarantees of Origin visit: ofgem Fuel Mix Disclosure