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Switching Business Energy Providers

We’re powering the growth of thousands of companies. Why not join them?
What to expect when you sign up to a supply with Yü Energy.


Switching supplier can save you money and when running a business, saving money is a priority.

We understand that switching suppliers can be stressful and considered time-consuming. That’s why our friendly team aim to make your switching process as smooth as possible. Simply follow our guide, or if you’d prefer, call us on 0115 975 8258 and we’ll be happy to help.


You will need to agree on a contract start date for a quote to be provided to you. Once you’ve received your quote from our sales team and agreed on a contract, you will be sent a confirmation email. You must ensure all bills are paid and up to date with your existing supplier and that you are within your contract termination window, otherwise, they may object to the transfer.

Woman helping customer get a business energy quote


If your contract start date is greater than 28 days in future, then we will inform your current supplier of this 28 days prior to that start date. If your start date is less than 28 days from the date your contract has been signed, then we will register for your supply start date as such. You’ll need to complete the Letter of Authority and email to

Once a contract has been signed, the earliest we’re able to switch your supply depends on your supply type:

  • Gas – 15 days
  • Electricity – 7 days
  • Water – 6 days (although this will depend on your current supplier contract)

You’ll then need to provide us with an opening meter reading within 5 days before or after the start of your supply with Yü Energy. This will ensure that your closing bill with your old supplier and your first bill from Yü Energy are accurate.


Your energy supply will be switched over on transfer day and your contract with Yü will commence! When your supply has switched to Yü Energy, we will notify you by email. We’ll send you a Welcome Pack via email shortly after, full of useful information to help you along the way.